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Docker - Example Apps

List of cool system designs created with docker Ollama backend + chat UI Wordpress Gitea + postgress Voting App Tutorial: Building an Image Classifier App with Docker Compose, FastAPI, and Scikit-learn In this tutorial, we’ll create a web application where users can upload images to classify using a machine learning model. We’ll utilize Docker Compose to manage multiple containers, FastAPI for the API, and scikit-learn for image classification. Step 1: Setting Up the Project Structure Create a directory for your project and organize the structure:

Docker - 101

Are you ready to containerize your web application effortlessly? Docker provides a convenient solution to package your application into a portable, isolated environment, ensuring consistency across different platforms. In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to dockerize your web application using a simple example project. Set Up the Environment Before diving into Dockerizing your web app, ensure you have Docker installed on your system. You can verify this by running the following command in your terminal:

Docker - 102

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Dockerized microservices architecture! In this tutorial, we’ll take a deep dive into setting up a microservices architecture using Docker Compose, complete with detailed code examples for each microservice. Set Up the Environment Before we dive into Docker Compose, ensure you have it installed on your system: docker-compose --version Create a project directory for our microservices architecture: mkdir docker_microservices cd docker_microservices Create Docker Compose YAML File Start by creating a docker-compose.

Docker - 103

Buiding a Pipeline Using Containers This exercise demonstrates how to build a pipeline composed of independent containers whose goal is to train a machine learning model on-demand. The workflow Dockerfile for app Path: ./app/Dockerfile # Use the official Python image as base FROM python:3.9-slim # Install Flask RUN pip install Flask requests # Set the working directory in the container WORKDIR /app # Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app COPY .

Docker - Task

Microservices System Project This post provides detailed instructions and requirements for the Microservices System project. The project aims to create a system based on at least three microservices, including a UI application, a model training/prediction microservice, and a data microservice. T Project Overview The project should consists of designing and implementing a system architecture composed of three microservices: UI Application Microservice: This microservice is responsible for providing the user interface for interacting with the system.